
066-03123-1600 - ED 461 EHIS

Nuovo prodotto

1 Articolo

9 500,00 € tasse incl.


  • Display to be used in the EFS-40 EFIS System
  • Panel Mount unit used to display flight information
  • Uses a 4" color CRT & converts X/Y axis deflection signals & red-green-blue video signals from the symbol generators
  • Used as a Horizontal Situation Indicator (EHSI) and has front panel pushbutton controls, course & heading controls, and a brightness control
  • Is available in combinations of gray or black faceplate, 5 Vac, 5 Vdc, or 28 Vdc lightinging, with and without cooling fan (Note "Version Characteristics" table linked below)
  • Version Characteristics



TSO Compliance: TSO C113, SAE AS-8034 Software: RTCA DO-160B 
Dimensions: 4.175"H x 4.175"W x 11.6"L Weight: 5.4lbs nominal
Temperature: -40C to +55C Altitude: 55000 ft max
Power Requirements: Supplied by SG-465 Lighting: 28Vdc 0.15A max OR 5Vac/5Vdc 0.89 max (versions)